Catch Up On THE BLOG
To VBS or Not To VBS: That Is The Question
Growing up, there were two things I looked forward to every year: no school and Vacation Bible School. I honestly cannot remember how many VBS programs I attended every summer, but I do recall how excited I would get.
9 Out of 10 Parents Don’t Have A Biblical Worldview
I think we can all agree that parenting is hard sometimes. The sleepless nights, multiple meltdowns, and SO MUCH laundry. Then on top of that, we have to raise our kids. Not just raise them, but teach them how to live a godly life; our children are constantly learning from us.
Feeding Ourselves but Starving Our Children
A few nights ago, I was having dinner with my family and a fellow church member, Blake. We do this a couple of times a month and I tend to make more “adult-based” dinners. For example, on this occasion, we were eating pot roast – beef roast, potatoes, and carrots. My eight-year-old daughter, Carter, would have only eaten the carrots and maybe a bite of roast if she absolutely had to. So, to avoid an argument, I made her macaroni and cheese and a veggie and fruit platter, which is one of her favorite meals.