Week 2 || The Euangelion in the Old Testament
What does the word gospel mean?
To better learn what the Euangelion in the Old Testament is, let's recap what euangelion is.
Eu-angel-ion – a good simple message
Eu – Good
Angelos – message
Ion – little (simple)
"We use it so glibly in the church today. Preachers say they preach the gospel, but if we listen to them preach Sunday after Sunday, we hear very little gospel in what they are preaching. The term gospel has become a nickname for preaching anything rather than something with definitive content. The word for gospel is the word euangelion. It has that prefix eu-, which comes into English in a variety of words. We talk about euphonics or euphonious music, which refers to something that sounds good. We talk about a eulogy, which is a good word pronounced about someone at his funeral service. The prefix eu- refers to something good or pleasant. The word angelos or angelion is the word for “message.” Angels are messengers, and an angelos is one who delivers a message." - R.C. Sproul.
Book Recommendations
Preaching Christ in All of Scripture – Edmund Clowney
One-Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament – Nancy Guthrie
Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament – Edmund Clowney
Is Jesus in the Old Testament – Iain M. Duguid
Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament – Christopher J. H. Wright
Recommended Videos
Discovering the Gospel in Every Book of the Bible – Tim Keller (This is a Playlist)
The Significance of Passover: Kingdom Feast – R.C. Sproul
How to Read the Old Testament – American Gospel: Christ Alone
Recommended Articles
Preaching Christ from the Old Testament – Sinclair Ferguson
Getting Out – Tim Keller
What is the Septuagint? – Ryan Reeves
Glimpsing the Gospel in Every Book of the Bible - Crossway
The Prophecies of the Gospel:
351 Prophecies of Jesus fulfilled
44 Prophecies of Jesus fulfilled
The Gospel can be summed up in four points: