Bold and Biblical Matt Rawlings Bold and Biblical Matt Rawlings

Advent Week 4

One of my seminary professors took a group of friends to tour Israel. A tour guide gave the traditional rendering of the Biblical story surrounding a certain site. My professor took his friends aside and pointed out what the tour guide got wrong.

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Bold and Biblical Megan Balla Bold and Biblical Megan Balla

Advent Week 3

Who was Jesus, and why did he come to earth? Before we can tackle these questions, we need to confirm that he even existed. So, how can we know that Jesus actually walked on earth? The good news is there is plenty of evidence to point to the fact that Jesus came to earth!

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Bold and Biblical Shea Hill Bold and Biblical Shea Hill

Advent Week 2

When you start reading the first gospel of Scripture, Matthew, the first thing that you see is a long list of names. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably skipped over this section because honestly who needs to know that? But I want to challenge that thought. Think about it this way; you are not just reading a list of names, but rather the genealogy of Jesus, God incarnate. Although this may shift your perspective slightly, you might still ask, who needs to know that?

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Bold and Biblical The Bold Movement Team Bold and Biblical The Bold Movement Team

Advent Week 1

Can we recognize the Messiah? The cross is central in God’s plan to redeem people. On the cross, Jesus carried away all the guilt of believers; “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8). True, but how can we be sure Jesus is the Messiah?

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Bold and Biblical Dr. Jeana Fowler Bold and Biblical Dr. Jeana Fowler

What About Saturday

As we approach one of the holiest days of the year, Easter, we tend to focus primarily on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. But there is something missing: the Saturday between the death and resurrection of Jesus.

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